Download the App Echoes if you are in Toronto and find the sound walk: Welcome to High Park sound walk. By following the route on the Echoes app, you will hear a selection of original poems read aloud by the poets themselves. Each poem represents a different location within High Park and encourages visitors to discover spots for quiet contemplation. Inspired by the monumental trees and surrounding landscape, these poems serve as a celebration of the unique features of the area. Voice of Trees High Park is a collaboration between Giovanna Iorio, Michael Rothenberg, Robert Priest and Larry Sawyer. Poets included in the sound walk: Bill Bissett- A Tree Phil Hall- Towards A Blacker Ardour Mark Goldstein- My Ravine Larry Sawyer-Memory Suit Lina Ramona Vitkauskas- Taiga Geoff Bouvier-Those Old Familiar Ditties Dale Smith- Grass Seeds Charlie Petch-Daughter of Giapetto Part 4 Jennifer Hosein- Exile Lillian Allen- I Saw A Perfect Tree Robert Priest- A Tree Will Take The Heat For You John Robert Colombo-Recollection of Falling from a Tree Lawrence Bayne- Tree Patrick Connors- The Path Michael Holmes- St. Mary’s Deacon Blues Honey Novick- High Park Marty Smith- The tree and me by onecloud Clifton Joseph - Not poem
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![]() La voce degli alberi è a Milano. Con installazioni attive a: 1) Piazzale XXIV Maggio, Quercia rossa- La voce di Alda Merini per l'albero più vecchio di Milano 2) Giardini di Via Palestro: La Voce delle Donne a cura di Giovanna Iorio e Anna Maria Gallo, con la collaborazione di Agnese Coppola. 3) Giardino della Villa Belgiojoso Bonaparte Omaggio agli alberi del parco con Dieci Poesie d'amore per un albero. Poesie di Giovanna Iorio, Voce di Barbara Marchand, Musica Lucio Lazzaruolo A causa delle restrizioni vigenti, l'evento sarà in diretta online sulla pagina FB de La Casa delle Artiste il 21 marzo alle ore 18.30. Insieme per celebrare comunque la Giornata Mondiale della Poesia. Parteciperanno: Diana De Marchi, Anna Maria Gallo, Agnese Coppola, Vincenza Pezzuto, Diana Battaggia e con contributo video l'ideatrice del progetto Giovanna Iorio.Chi si trova a Milano può sperimentare questa magica esperienza passeggiando per i giardini di via Palestro. Scaricate l' app ECHOES e immergetevi nella poesia . Inaugurazione online con una diretta sulla pagina La Casa delle Artiste alle 18,30 con Diana Battaggia Diana de Marchi Vincenza Pezzuto. Alda Merini Amelia Rosselli Maria Pia Quintavalla Anna Maria Gallo Dacia Maraini Viviane Lamarque Frida Khalo Virginia Woolf Giovanna Iorio Ada Crippa Agnese Coppola Rossana Bacchella Claudia Cangemi Izabella Teresa Kostka Laura Barone Lucia Audia Antonetta Carrabs Margherita Bonfilio Maria Muriero Anna Maria Lombardi e una intervista a Sime De Beauvoir del 1967 ![]() Held every year on 21 March, World Poetry Day celebrates one of humanity’s most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expression and identity As poetry continues to bring people together across continents, all are invited to join our installation in San Francisco, USA. The Golden Gate Park installation of Giovanna Iorio’s Voice of Trees was curated by Michael Rothenberg and Youssef Alaoui. How To Access the Golden Gate Park Poetry Walk Download the App "Echoes"on your phone with the QRCode (on the right) and go to the park. Step by step guide
In the park you will be able to listen to the voice of: Missy Church Rohan Da Costa Mk Chavez Paul Corman Roberts Youssef Alaoui KR Morrison Tureeda Mikell Colleen McKee Maw Shein Win Michael Warr Chun Yu Richard Loranger Sharon Coleman Jack Foley Jennifer Hasegawa Evan Karp Michael Rothenberg Terri Carrion Giovanna Iorio Kim Shuck Tu B'Shevat is the Jewish 'New Year for Trees'. This year poet Gili Haimovich in collaboration with Voice of Trees "plants" the voices of 14 poets poets in the city of Tel Aviv to celebrate trees and this old tradition. People will be able to walk the streets of Tel Aviv to discover the poets who donated their voice and poem to this project. Scan the QR Code and download the App Echoes to be able to listen with your phone while you walk in the blue areas on the map. With great pride I announce the Sound installation Poets for Grenfell by Voice of Trees in London.
A sound installation in memory of the victims of Grenfell with the voices of the poets from the anthology: "Poems for Grenfell Tower" (The Onslaught Press). I would like to thank all the poets who sent their voice for the installation, Matthew Staunton and Rip Bulkeley for their support with the project. Thank you to the families and poets who kindly supported the projects. And Marco and Gloria's family from Italy. Poets included: Thomas McColl Mike Jenkins Al McClimens Emma Lee John Lindley David Keyworth Rona Fitzgerald If music could heal- music tribute by Notturno Concertante and Lucio Lazzaruolo In memory of Khadija Saye- BBC interview In memory of Marco and Gloria - Video poetry Richard Carpenter Tom Phillips Peter A. Neil Reeder Ricky Nuttall Adele Cordner Alemu Tebeje Ayele This is a permanent installation and it will continue to grow with more poems and memories in the future. In the meantime if you wish to try the walk here's the QRCode to download the free App on your phone or you can download the App with the link: You will need to go in person with your phone and walk in the area to be able to listen: the sounds are geolocated and they will activate in the blue area. Voice of Trees in in Tel Aviv
נצ'יני – צרפת, ומטורה – אסטוניה. Voice of Trees in Tel Aviv קולותיהם של עצים בתל אביב Poets: Gili Haimovich גילי חיימוביץ Giovanna Iorio translated by Gili Haimovich ג'יאובנה איאוריו בתרגום גילי חיימוביץ Amir Or אמיר אור Eli Elihau אלי אליהו Ronny Someck רוני סומק Rachel Madar רחל מדר Hadas Gilad הדס גלעד Hagit Mendrowski חגית מנדרובסקי Maya Weinberg מאיה ויינברג Marilyne Bertoncini translated by Gili Haimovich מרילין ברטונצ'יני בתרגום גילי חיימוביץ Mathura translated by Gili Haimovich מטורה בתרגום גילי חיימוביץ Through the Voice of Trees - Tallahassee sound walk, you’ll discover local poets who pay homage to Cascades Park, one of the City of Tallahassee’s gems
By following the route on the Echoes app, visitors will hear a selection of original poems read aloud by the poets themselves. Each poem represents a different location within Cascades Park and encourages visitors to discover spots for quiet contemplation. Inspired by the monumental trees and surrounding landscape, these poems serve as a celebration of the unique features of the area. From Smokey Hollow Pond to Centennial Field, visitors can explore the city’s history while enjoying its natural beauty. Included in this sound walk are original poems by local poets Summer Hill Seven, Terri Carrion, Michael Rothenberg, and Virgil Suárez. Voice of Trees - Tallahassee is a collaboration between COCA, 100 Thousand Poets for Change, and the City of Tallahassee Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Affairs Department. This initiative was made possible in partnership with Italian artist Giovanna Iorio who developed the Voice of Trees project in an effort to preserve the voices of poets and link their work to the landscape. Tallahassee and New York City are the only Voice of Trees locations in the United States. Our city joins a global Voice of Trees community which includes Italy, France, England, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Greenland, Ireland, Spain, Japan, and the Netherlands. Installazione dedicata alla musica del M° Giuseppe Natale, Concerti da camera nel Parco di Villa Doria Pamphilj a Roma. Anche questa installazione fa parte di Voice of Trees. Da oggi sono attive nel parco una serie di isole musicali che si accendono in diverse aree del parco permettendo di ascoltare originali composizioni del famoso musicista italiano.
In particolare l'installazione fa parte del progetto Museum of Sounds, una serie di omaggi ad artisti del suono e musicisti di tutto il mondo. Nella sezione del sito Museum of Sounds altre informazioni. Si tratta sempre di una installazione permanente e crescerà nel tempo con altre isole musicali. |
Voice of TreesGive to a tree the voice of a poet or your memories. Write to artist [email protected] for more info Archives
June 2021
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